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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Parent Info Session

2024 fall 10U parent Zoom info session (recording)
Use code #$?FR6u^ to view the recording.

Frequently Asked Questions for Parents

Information for Parents


To register your child or to sign up as a volunteer, log into (Returning parents should use the same email as in prior seasons so that the player information carries over. One parent account can be used for multiple children in the same family.) Navigate to "My Account". If the player is already listed, click the blue Programs Available button and select the desired program (e.g. "Fall Soccer"). Don't click Register Now as this will create a new account. Follow the prompts to register your child.

Consider enrolling as a volunteer as well. Region 18 is entirely volunteer-run and signing up as a coach, assistant coach, referee or board member is a great way to support our children and our community.



AYSO provides quality youth soccer programs where everyone builds positive character through participation in a safe, fun, family-oriented soccer environment. AYSO’s six philosophies distinguish our program:

  • Everyone Plays
  • Balanced Teams
  • Open Registration
  • Positive Coaching
  • Good Sportsmanship
  • Player Development



Age eligibility and division depends on the child's age as of Dec 31 in the membership year, which runs from fall to spring. Any child aged 5-18 years old on December 31 in the fall season can play AYSO soccer in that membership year. Children who do not meet the age requirement must wait until they reach the eligible age to play.



Region 18 uses a draft process to form teams at most age divisions. Coaches rate the skills, attitude and attendance of players each season, and this information is used by coaches in the subsequent season draft to form a balanced team. If prior season information is not available, we ask parents to provide input to help coaches in the draft process. While the process is imperfect, it is the best we have found to keep play competitive and fun.



We understand families have siblings separated by a year and it would be convenient for them to be on the same time, or may have children skilled enough to play with older players. However, AYSO is national organization with liability insurance requirements that require us to keep children in their specific age division.



Teams are typically formed and the rosters published a week before the season begins. Coaches will contact the parents of players on their team. Game schedules follow shortly thereafter. The number of teams is set by the number of registered players and the number of volunteer coaches. This often requires recruiting additional coaches to bring more players off the wait list. The late team formation gives the greatest opportunity to accommodate the most players.

Practice schedules depend on the division and field availability, but expect at least one weekly weekday practice of 60 or 90 minutes. Games are played on Saturdays (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM) and some Sundays (after 11:00 AM).

Fall season begins the week after Labor Day (Sep 9 for the 2023 fall season) and runs through early November. The 10U, 12U and 14U divisions will have a post-season Beach Cup in November; duration will depend on the number of teams and format, but can be up to four weeks of weekend games. Spring season begins the first full week of March and runs through mid-May. No games are scheduled on Easter weekend.



Your child will need:

  • Athletic shoes at the minimum, but preferably soccer cleats. Avoid baseball or American football-style cleats with a stud at the toe, and of course, no metal cleats.
  • Shinguards are required for practices and games; either slip-in or stirrup-style are acceptable
  • A soccer ball for practices. 5U-8U divisions use a size 3 ball. 10U-12U use a size 4 ball. 14U+ use a size 5 ball. Refer to the Division Specific Rules page for more information about games at the various levels.
  • Region 18 provides a uniform that includes a short-sleeve shirt, long socks and shorts. For colder weather, your child may want additional layers under the team jersey; these are permitted provided they do not have any zippers or hard closures. Any garments with hoods are not permitted for safety reasons.



This is a standard rule for all soccer organizations, and is a safety consideration. Jewelry can get caught in another players clothing or hair. Earrings can injure the player if a ball or another player strikes their ear in the course of play. This is part of the registration agreement and is also a condition of AYSO's insurance coverage. Taping is not permitted - the jewelry must be removed or your child cannot play.

Inevitably there will be a situation that comes up at the field where a player has just had their ears pierced, grandma put earrings in the child's ears and parents don't knows how to remove them, or a string bracelet is knotted too tightly to be removed. To avoid an uncomfortable situation at the field, please check your child before leaving home and take care of any prohibited items. If the earrings, bracelet or jewelry cannot be removed, the player will need to sit out for the game. In the event of a player having recently pierced ears, consider putting ointment on the piercing site for the hour or so while the earrings are out.

Beanies with no hard brim, soft hair ties and headbands are permitted. Medical identification bracelets may be worn, but must be completely covered by tape. Coaches should make the referee aware of the medical bracelet at check-in.



Dogs trained as service animals per Title II and Title III of the ADA are permitted at the fields. Other animals are not, with one exception: at Hermosa Valley Park and Clark Field only, animals can be 10 or more yards away from the field if properly restrained. Pet restrictions are not a unique AYSO requirement, it is a condition of the fields that Region 18 leases for games and practices. Violations of these policies can result in AYSO losing access to the fields.



  • Consider becoming an AYSO volunteer! We are 100% volunteer-driven and can always use extra hands for Saturday field set-up or, for our youngest players, serving as a referee (classes provided in August & September) for 1 or 2 games per week. Ask your coach!
  • Do your best to get your child to as many practices and games as possible. Practice = skill, teamwork and fun building!
  • Let your coaches coach, particularly during practices and games. Know your role. Yelling well-intended instructions from the sideline only confuses young players. Be encouraging, not directing.
  • Be a great role model! Cheer for ALL players on the field. Support, don’t criticize, our referees. Thank your volunteer coaches and referees after the game.
  • Keep it fun! Detach from the game’s final score. Remind your child “how much you love watching them play!”


Free Soccer Parent Resource Center Membership

Soccer Parent Resource Center

Soccer Parent Resource Center Logo

AYSO Region 18 in Manhattan Beach/Hermosa Beach understands the importance of engaging and educating soccer parents and has therefore secured a club-wide membership to the, the parent education platform from the Soccer Parenting Association. You now have complete and free access to the interviews, articles, webinars, e-books, courses and amazing community of level-headed parents at the

Activate your free membership at this link:

The Soccer Parenting Association's mission is to inspire players by empowering parents.

  • We believe youth soccer parents will be difference makers when it comes to improving the game.
  • We believe when parents seek information about how to best support their player, great things will happen.
  • We believe a collaborative environment between coach, parent, club, and player is in the best interest of player development.
  • We believe a strong and supportive community of level-headed and like-minded parents and coaches will inspire players.

Region 18 is proud to be a Club Member of the Soccer Parenting Association. We believe youth soccer parents will be difference makers when it comes to improving the game and we believe a more collaborative environment between coach, parent, club and player is in the best interest of player development.

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 18

P.O. Box 3597 
Manhattan Beach, California 90266

Email Us: [email protected]
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